Cork City- 2006 Census statistics Population 190384 (4.49 % Of National Population)
Number of Single people : 124699
% in Work: 53.51
Number Married: 65685
Unemployed %: 5.39
% Married: 34.50
% Single : 65.50
Aged under 15 18.04 %
% aged 15 to 24 17.82
% Aged 24 to 44 31.74
% Aged Over 65: 11.20
% Rented Homes: 32.04
% Students 13.24
% Unable to Work 5.35
% Owned outright 29.68
% Homemakers 11.05
% No Central Heating 10.65
Retired % 11.02
% No Internet 48.11
% PC Owners 55.18 %
% with Broadband 24.27 %
Couples with children 51.31%
% lone-parents 19.93
% travellers 0.40
% born Outside Ireland 11.22
% born in EU (not Ireland) 6.56
% Born Africa 0.85
% Born Asia: 1.18
% Born Americas 0.46
I would have thought there were much more people living in Cork City. Although as with all of these census a lot of people would put down the town they grew up in as their place of residence. So a lot of the students that live in Cork City would put down their home town. As well as a lot of people who live here during the week and then go “home” for the weekend.
Also what counts as Cork City for the census? Does it include Ballincollig, Douglas etc.?
Like a lot of Irish cities the city boundary in Cork is a joke. Most of Togher, Douglas are outside it and all of Ballincollig, Carrigaline, Glanmire, Gounthaune, Little Island, Passage West, Rochestown, Carrigtwohill, Cobh, etc.
If all of these areas are included the pop is around 380,000.
wikipedia has a good explanation with references;